Katy and Eric

These jerks finally got hitched!


Directed by John Carpenter

Written by Martin Quatermass (John Carpenter)

Starring Donald Pleasence, Victor Wong, Jameson Parker, Lisa Blount.

KATY SAYS: If The Thing is my favorite John Carpenter then this is a close second. It doesn’t get the same hype as some of Carpenter’s other work but it is more then deserving. In the Mouth of Madness could also be on here. An apocalyptically perfect unofficial trilogy.

My favorite of Carpenter’s Apocalypse trilogy! A streaming service once described it as “Priest shows Professor jar of liquid Satan.” The final scene still gives me the chills.
Bonus: Alice Cooper kills a guy with a bicycle. I want to be clear here, he doesn’t kill someone who owns a bicycle. He kills a guy. With a bicycle.